Travel Status For Talmidot

1.Talmidah:Starting Madrega on the climb to M'fakachat Rashis.

2.Mitztayenit: has the right to go to the restroom or get a drink once a day without permission (as long as no one else is out).

3.Toranit: gets the same privileges as a Talmidah plus she can eat a snack (if he has one) when the Morah tells a story.

4.Madrica: has the above privileges plus she can (if she wants to) say over a Davar Torah (no more than five minutes) to the class, once a week, for extra points; however, the Morah must select the topic.

5.Morah: is the same as a Madrichah plus she can choose the topic of her Vort.

6.S'ganit-Minahelet: has the added privilege of being on the committee that decides which Tzedaka the class will adopt as a project.

7.Minahelet: has the additional privilege of making a Parsha test for the whole class (worth another 500 points).

8.M'fakachat: has the added privilege of saying over a Davar Torah in front of the whole school at the Rosh Chodesh award assembly (5 minutes - any topic) for lots of points (1,000).

9.Manbalit: can also write a Davar Torah for the Pesach Hagada or the Shavuos program (worth 1,000 points).

10.M'fakachat-Rashit: gets to be on the committee which decides the activities for "reward days" (given for great class accomplish-ments - class goals set and achieved. Rewards may be simply taking off time from class and going to the park and the Mora takes all M'fakachat Rashit Talmidot on a picnic and to play games.) Plus the Morah makes a Melava Malka just for M'fakachat Rashit Talmidot at the end of the year.