Letter 2

Dear Suri:
Just got a look at your latest issue of DSAU (#11) and had to write to you right away. The tribute to your mother was touching and heartwarming, and the article about Moishey's Bar Mitzvah is a triumph. The rest of the magazine remains to be read (I am looking forward to it eagerly.).

What really brought my pen to my hand is the letter from "Unsigned, Via e-mail". My first reaction was, 'Why does Suri print such nonsense?' But your answer, Suri, justified printing the letter, twice over! Hooray for you and for our special chidren for whom you put up such a delicious defense! Isn't it ironic that the secular world constantly attacks us (orthodox) for being narrow-minded and intolerant? I am so glad you saw through his/her smokescreen.

Can't wait to get my own copy of the latest issue of your terrific magazine.

Hatzlocha rabah and kol tov,
Peri Fisher
