A Home...My Home...

By Shevy Spitz

A home is a house
Modeled of bricks,
Of beams, of walls,
And many wood sticks.

A home is a house
Where people reside,
They are kept safe,
Warm, and comfortable inside.

A home is a house
Where familes dine,
Around a kitchen table,
For mealtime.

A home is a house
Where housework is done,
Some schoolwork and phone calls,
And plenty of fun.

A home is a house
For children to grow,
To listen, to share,
To tell and to show.

My home is a house
Modeled of bricks,
Of beams, of walls,
And many wood sticks.

My home is a house
Where people reside,
My wonderful family
They stand at my side.

My home is a house
Where mealtimes include
Nurture and love,
Not only food.

My home is a house
Where housework is done,
Yet considering the fact
That I am priority one.

My home is a house
Where my siblings know,
The practice of acceptance and inclusion
Wherever they go.

My home is a house
"Different", they say,
It's not different because I live there,
But because you have molded it my way.

My home is a house
Modeled merely of bricks,
Of beams, of walls
And some wood sticks.

Still, my home is a house
Of high standard and style,

For you have designed it so,
To help me smile.

Thank you!!!
