Cost: Be honest and a Ba'al Midos
Time: From now until Rosh Chodesh Nissan
Place: Kollel V'Yoel Moishe
Grades: 7th & 8th

Points may be earned only for learning done before or after Yeshiva.
You can be tested only by a married man or an official Masmid tester.
If you learn by yourself it counts for time learned.
This is a B'fnim contest, not B'al Peh.
You must be tested on at least 3 points at a time.
You must fill out the "Masmid form" completely and have it signed by a tester, "parent or rebbe" and yourself.
You must recite word for word inside to your tester and translate without his help.
The entire text must be recited - no spot checking.
If you are learning with a private Rebbe it's not considered that you are also being tested unless you say 3 points worth of learning at one time without your private Rebbe helping you.
The time it takes to get tested counts towards your learning points.

You can only be in the middle of 4 masechtos at a time.
You must start at the beginning of the parsha and go straight through.
No skipping pesukim or Rashi.
When you finish a parsha you can start a new one.
Mishnayos in the Gemora counts as Gemora lines.

You can only be in the middle of 4 perokim at a time.
You must start at the beginning of the masechta and go straight through.
No skipping Mishnayos.
When you finish a masechta you can start a new one.

You can only be in the middle of 4 parshiyos at a time.
You must start at the beginning of the parsha and go straight through.
No skipping pesukim or Rashi.
When you finish a parsha you can start a new one.

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